Our Projects

Our Mision
To groom talent and support the orphans and underprivileged children
The Music

Mwamba has recorded two studio Albums and toured Europe in 2008. Through this tour Mwamba raised funds for I am children’s family and bought six acres of land which on which a school is going to be built.

Click to view the Proposed Plan Of the School

FEEDING Program:We provide free meals to all the children who sleep at the

You can help to provide food support by making any donation. To Use a cheque, make it out to “Artists in Christ Testimony International (A.C.T)
P.O Box 1649
Brentwood TN 37024-1649

Tel +1 615 367 7861
Fax +1 615 367 7863

Education Program:
162 Children are Sponsored in School.
This gives them an opportunity to achieve their Dreams
You can be an ongoing sponsor by giving $35 per month
to support a grade school child or $55 per month for a
Jr/Sr high school child. This is tax deductible. Click here to fill child sponsorship form

To support the choir or find out more: visit www.mwambachildrenschoir.com
To find out more about child sponsorship or sending gifts and physical donations to the Orphanage, please email:
DANIEL: mugerwa-daniel@hotmail.co.uk  
Cell: +256-781-504190

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